The Solar System Song

Everybody, let’s sing!!!!

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8 Responses to The Solar System Song

  1. ELVIS says:

    es muy chulo y divertido. ELVIS

  2. Sofi says:

    Como molaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🙂

  3. Lucía (: says:

    Es verdad me encanta este video sobre todo el astronauta

    (:(:(:(:(:(:(: muak

  4. And it helps us to learn the names 🙂

  5. Lucía (: says:


  6. Pablo says:

    I like very much the song of solar sistem

  7. MARTA says:

    I like english

  8. Jara says:

    Cómo mola la canción!!!!!
    It´s funny!!!

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